How to open a MEI? Check out our complete guide!

Whether you want to fulfill an entrepreneurial dream or seek an alternative to formalize your professional activities, becoming an Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) can be an excellent option .

In this guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of how to open a MEI, discuss the pros and cons of this type of business, and highlight the financial benefits that MEI offers. Check it out!

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What is MEI and why formalize it?

MEI (Individual Microentrepreneur) is a legal philippines whatsapp number data established in Brazil designed to formalize the situation of self-employed workers and small business owners .

When you register as an MEI, you acquire a CNPJ , which facilitates several actions such as opening a bank account, requesting loans and issuing invoices.

This formalization is a big step towards the legitimacy and growth of your business . In addition, one of the main advantages of becoming an MEI is the significant reduction in the tax burden .

Also read about different types of service provision.

What is SIMEI?

The MEI system, known as SIMEI (System for redgifs not working, how to fix? of Fixed Monthly Amounts of Taxes Covered by Simples Nacional), allows the consolidated payment of taxes in a single monthly guide .

This payment, which is fixed and adjusted annually according to the minimum wage , includes reduced contributions to Social Security and taxes such as ICMS (for commerce or industry) and ISS (for services).

Who can become a MEI?

To qualify as an MEI and uab directory its benefits, it is necessary to meet some specific criteria:

  • Economic activity: carrying out one of the permitted activities in. Tables A and B” of Annex XI of CGSN Resolution No. 140 .
  • Revenue limit: not to exceed the annual gross revenue of R$81,000.00 (Table A) or R$251,600.00 (Table B).
  • Business exclusivity : not being a partner, administrator or owner of another company.

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