1. The most traditional classification of the population is by age., middle-aged people and the elderly, or you can divide distinguish young the entire society into a larger number of age groups. As a rule, people’s preferences change over the years, as do their incomes, so most companies primarily segment the consumer market by age.
2. Dividing the population by
gender is also quite popular among marketers. Thus, men are unlikely to buy women’s cosmetics or clothing, and women will not be regulars at construction stores or bookmakers.
3. Income is an important component of any segmentation system. If a person earns little, there is no point in trying to sell him an expensive car or a precious ring. And vice versa, if a person earns a lot, there is no need to attract him with sales and five percent discounts on discounted goods. Selling such people a Zhiguli or cheap jewelry will also not work.
4. A person’s occupation often determines his tastes
Thus, businessmen distinguish shareholder database young prefer to dress in respectable business tuxedos, which cannot be said about factory workers. If they are employees of education, they will be regulars of stationery and bookstores.
5. A person’s body distinguish young type is an important characteristic for clothing manufacturers and retailers. Statistical data on this topic is freely available and is constantly updated as a result of scientific research. When assessing what kind of people are more numerous in a certain region, it is necessary to plan the volumes of each size of certain clothing.
6. Having statistics on people’s tastes and preferences
you can conduct truly competent and What is quarterly payment and how to implement it? effective marketing. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to obtain such information. You will have to conduct mass social surveys afb directory and it is not always possible to achieve an objective result, because people sometimes do not understand what they want.