Alf Goebel CMO

contact name: Alf Goebel
contact job function details: cmo
contact job function: marketing

contact job title: CMO

contact job seniority: c_suite

contact person city:

contact person state:

contact person country:

contact person zip code:

business name:

business domain: Netfira

business facebook URL:

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

romania whatsapp

business angellist:

business found year:

business city: 2006

business zip code: Sydney

business state: 2000

business country: New South Wales

business language: 12

business employee: Australia

richard bush chief executive officer

business category: English,German

business specialty: information technology & services

business technology: netfira is a b2b supply chain solution, connects to multiple erp systems, automates sales orders, purchase orders & invoicing, procurement, scm, order processing, connects buyers & sellers in realtime, information technology and services

business description: outlook,apache,wordpress_org

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