As a rule, when segmenting the market in marketing, it is not enough to define a group of potential consumers by one criterion. You need to consider several characteristics at once and define the segment you need more precisely. For example, these could be elderly men with low incomes or middle-aged women on a business trip.
At the same time, you do not necessarily
Have to choose one group. Basically, large companies have dozens of such specialized segments that marketers work with. For example, renters of an inexpensive apartment could be young students, employees of companies with average incomes on a business trip, young families with average incomes, etc.
Statistics are an important element of segmentation!
Without a large amount of statistical data, it is impossible to conduct normal segmentation. As a rule, there is a lot complex system! of information in the public domain about which product or service is popular among a specific group of the population. If the data you are interested in is not available, you will have to conduct research yourself.
The best option for this is social surveys
Conducting them complex system! will not take much money from you, and the results will be fresh and relatively accurate. Many bc data vietnam organizations post social surveys on their official website or ask clients who come to them to fill out a questionnaire. Having received the necessary statistical data, you can easily conduct segmentation and select groups of potential consumers.
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“Content Marketing: How to Win a Client with a Check of 200,000 Rubles”
“How to Make complex system! Advertising? 10 Examples from the History of Marketing!”
“Secrets of Trade Marketing in afb directory Practice!”
“Why Doesn’t Advertising Work? Marketing Problems” [/warning]
What are the different segment groups?
In modern marketing, many invoice issuer: how they work and how to choose one groups are distinguished among the population, and no one forbids entrepreneurs to create new ones. The main ones will be listed below: