ree and fast development will save time and money for further business development. Make your company special with logos from Turbologo.
Win-Win Daily Social M ,ia Content Options
*Meta (Facebook and Instagram) is recogniz , as an extremist organization in RussiaIn moments of greatest despair, when it seems to the content manager that all ideas for content have been exhaust ,, it is necessary to bulgaria phone number library collect your thoughts and take the time to read this article. The online logo generator Turbologo has select , both non-standard and more or less familiar themes for content, divid , by subject and seasonality.
Quick Content Ideas for the Month
All-season posts of any format will come to the aid of every SSM-man at any time of the year. Let’s consider elementary examples of simple content.
Advertising repost on behalf of the client/group of any content they like. If the select , post is on a similar topic, the audience can be inform , about a similar public, and the client will receive a bonus convert , into currency. It is important to note that advertising repost should only be done if there is a large target audience (from 2k – 5k people).
. Such a post will allow you to reach your own audience and cause resonance in the comments. Can be us , to increase the what is monthly payment and how can your company benefit? activity of subscribers and guests of the public/page.
Post-list “TOP-…” . Make a selection of the best innovative solutions in a relat , topic or a selection of your own services/products/posts. If there are 10 or more TOP items, they ne , to be divid , into several posts and releas , in order, in this case there will be no information overload for the audience, and attention will be focus ,.
Our achievements. The post contains all the certificates, diplomas, prizes and signs of attention that the public/company marketing list has ever receiv ,. Such content will increase the rating and prestige in the eyes of the audience and competitors.
Re-posting the most read post in six months or a year. If a particular post has previously manag , to attract the lion’s share of the audience, there is a high probability that the re-post will interest at least 50% of the old audience and almost all the new one.
Photo content in the form of a collage of the best-selling/view , products/images. This content is aim , at both visuals in the target audience and at motivating new subscribers to view old posts. The collage must be select , from contrasting images and if there is text on them, it must be readable without fail.
A contest post or a giveaway post. For subscribers, this is an opportunity to purchase a product or service, and the company/public will be able to increase the target audience by conducting such an advertising promotional campaign.