SEO optimization or increased conversion

Have you already started to notice them in your company? What should I take into account when carrying out content analysis? Before even beginning the steps to carry out an audit, it is important to stop and analyse when and with what we are going to carry it out.


Only then will we be able to take full advantage of all its possibilities. When should you conduct a content audit? It is best to do it at least once or twice a year.

This analysis every SEO optimization or increased


6 or 12 months will help you croatia phone number data check how your strategy evolves over time. Which tools to use for auditing? You will need a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel), a keyword research and spying tool (e.g. Semrush) and two Google tools: Analytics and Search Console.


Now that we have


Put you in context, it is how anchor text impacts long-tail seo and keyword rankings time to get down to business and answer the central theme of this post Are you ready to learn how to conduct SEO optimization or increased  an audit? Content audit in 7 steps Now, it’s time to tell you how to start an audit.


We can tell you right


Away that the process is long and a bit complex, but you can be sure that it is well worth it. Set goals and define metrics As with any other marketing action , we must first outline the objectives we are pursuing with it.

How else are we going to evaluate its effectiveness afterwards? Content audit objectives include, for example,. Once these have been uab directory determined, it is time to define the metrics on which we will focus (for example, organic traffic or number of leads ). Whatever the goals and metrics of your content audit, make sure it can answer the following question.


Does the content


Create reach your target audience ? Are they contributing to your objectives? Is there new content that can help you? What keywords SEO optimization or increased  are you ranking for? How many searches do they have? What keywords do you need? what they need in your content?

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