Agree, when it comes time to choose which company to buy one of the above services from, we often fall into a stupor. We ask friends or read about this company on the Internet. We collect all the necessary information about the companies we know. And we go to the place that we trust the most.
The reason for such behavior is the following: initially, we do not trust any of the companies. Mistrust… This is the word that lives side by side with the sale of services . And if you have decided to connect your life with such a business – be ready to break down the barriers of mistrust every day, fight them actively and constantly look for new and new ways to do this.
How to sell services?
Let’s draw a parallel between goods and services
When you buy a product, you first examine it, try it on or study the packaging, and then pay. In online stores, you study the photos and description of the product. Many manufacturers stimulate sales of goods with “samples”.
In the service business we do first this is impossible. A service cannot be photographed, cannot be measured in kilograms and centimeters. It can only be described.
A comprehensive and as clear description as possible is important for selling a service.
What criteria can a service forex database have? What should be reported in its description? First of all, services should satisfy the client’s needs, and at the same time – be of high quality and inexpensive. How to express these criteria in words? None of the known forms of measurement will work here – weight, length, volume, composition. Therefore, it is important to deeply analyze your service and understand what criteria will determine its quality. It is very important to move away from the usual patterns and not use hackneyed words and phrases.
To say that your service is high-quality and inexpensive is to say nothing about it
Constantly work we do what is the difference between business income and expenses? complete guide first on studying your consumer and find out what exactly he values most in the service he consumes. You don’t have to independently afb directory determine the quality of your services and characterize your prices. Just hint at it with facts, figures, names, and the client will draw the conclusion you need.