Do you have questions about what is the TUSS code for electroencephalogram ? In fact, there is more than one. This is because the exam has some variations and can be perform in sleep, wakefulness or with brain mapping . It is important to know the correct numbering in order to record the specific code. In the exam request and avoid misunderstandings regarding the type of.  EEG performed. In addition to collaborating with the billing of the health plan , speeding up the payment to the clinic, laboratory or hospital responsible for the procedure. In the next topics. I present the different EEG TUSS codes. What they are used for and how the electroencephalogram works . In the end, I bring telemedicine solutions to optimize the issuance of reports for the exam. What is the TUSS code on the electroencephalogram?

As I just mention

There are some numbers that I will detail below. For now, it is worth remembering that these codes are part. TUSS table – acronym for Unified Complementary Health Terminology . This tool makes a great contribution to the standardization of procedures covered by health plans, enabling the adoption of the TISS (Supplementary Health Information Exchange) standard. Follow the codes for the EEG below. They are all part China Mobile Number List of the chapter Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of the TUSS table, belonging to the Electrophysiological / mechanical and functional group. Routine EEG TUSS code The corresponding number is 40103170 . This code designates, more specifically, the routine electroencephalogram, awake or asleep, hyperventilation, photostimulation, analogue or digital (EEG/R). TUSS code of the electroencephalogram with brain mapping For this type of exam, also called quantitative EEG , the number is 40103196 . In addition to the traditional EEG graphs, the addition of brain mapping allows quantifying the results in the form of images.

Phone Number Data

Thus it is possible to verify

TUSS code of the 24-hour electroencephalogram video There is no specific code for 24-hour EEG monitoring. However, numbering 40103188 describes the intraoperative EEG for surgical monitoring (EEG/IO) – per hour of monitoring. TUSS code from electroencephalogram with DT Leads photostimulation and hyperpnea The exam performed with specific maneuvers can be referenced by the number 40103234 . TUSS code of prolonged electroencephalogram This type of EEG can last for up to two hours at a time, being required for special cases such as patients admitted to the ICU and suspected brain death. Your code is 40103200 . What is the TUSS code of the electroencephalogram used for? The TUSS code serves to standardize the description of the types of electroencephalogram covered by medical insurance in Brazil. In this scenario, the TUSS table is an instrument that enables the consolidation of the TISS standard.

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