How to promote a product on the internet: complete guide

Spreading a product on the Internet is a great challenge not only due to the large number of digital competitors, but also due to the new consumer profile , increasingly attentive to the behavior of brands, focused on solutions for a certain point of pain and pending of technology. In fact, a good part of people believe that to make a lot of sales online it is enough to present a good product with valuable features and fabulous benefits.

It is important to dispel this myth, since the potential attractiveness and profitability of a product also depend largely on the way we disseminate and advertise it on the Internet . Are you starting now or do you still not know all the possibilities available to you to disseminate digital products? Then this article is for you! Below, we provide you with a lot of relevant information on the topic in the following sections.

First of all, learn more about the sales process

According to research from Statista , the global ecommerce market is expected to reach the USD 7 billion mark by 2025. This figure reflects the importance executive email list of ecommerce to the planet’s economy and indicates that if organizations want to accelerate and improve their sales income , they need to adapt either by structuring an online store or by enhancing the quality of their ecommerce and their digital sales process.

We define the sales process as the set of actions necessary to capture the attention, attract, convert and retain consumers . Thanks to the analysis of the steps and results, companies can detect future opportunities and aspects that, for now, may generate problems and inconsistencies throughout the process. Basically, the sales process, both on the Internet and in physical stores, involves 3 stages.

Provides accurate information How to

A good sales page answers all of your customer’s questions and objections primarily to achieve its main objective: to delight the prospect so that they become a customer. In the case of online courses , for example, the user will only feel safe making the DT Leads purchase if they know all their benefits. To do this, the description of the sales page must contain not only the topic you will address, but also: Number of modules and the issues included in each one. Readings or complementary materials that the buyer will have access to. Information about interactive resources such as tests, chats with teachers, among other information. Forms and conditions of payment.

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