An important tool for pre-hospital assessment, the Cincinnati scale allows the identification of suspected cases of stroke . Its simplicity and speed help the medical team or first-aiders to make decisions. Who can initiate conducts such as thrombolysis more safely. And improve the prognosis for the victim. Avoiding death or serious sequelae that arise after minutes in hemorrhagic stroke, and a few hours in case of ischemic stroke. In this article, I show how to use the Cincinnati scale. What it is for and how effective this instrument is. In addition to the contribution of technological tools such as telemedicine for the diagnosis of this medical emergency. What is Cincinnati scale? Cincinnati Scale is a standardized instrument for evaluating suspected cases of stroke . Originally called the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS) , the tool reveals a greater or lesser possibility of acute cases of the disease. This comes from the analysis of three common clinical manifestations .

According to the document

Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Cincinnati scale in Brazil”. “The CPSS was developed by researchers from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center and published in 1999. Its elaboration was based on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale, and has 3 items that are evaluated regarding their normality or abnormality France Mobile Number List facial paralysis, fall of the arm and speaks .” What is the Cincinnati scale used for? The diagnosis of stroke is challenging. Mainly due to the variability of symptoms , which change according to the blood vessels and brain region affected by the oxygen and nutrient deficit. The scenario is even more complex due to the fact that stroke is a time-dependent event . That is, capable of getting worse in a few minutes. Hence the importance of using quick and simple assessment instruments, such as the Cincinnati scale, to accelerate the detection of stroke signs.

Phone Number Data

The tool is based on three easy-to-observe

Items that are among the most frequent clinical manifestations in stroke victims: facial asymmetry Changes in language and speech Paralysis or sudden loss of movement. Faced with the high possibility of an ongoing stroke, the medical or pre-hospital team can proceed with the DT Leads confirmation of the diagnosis, quickly performing tests such as tomography. And start treatments such as administration of thrombolytic drugs to reverse the effects of the pathology, restoring blood flow. The faster this approach, the better the chances of a positive outcome. In some cases, the victim survives without permanent sequelae. Using the scale is simple.

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