Listing a phone number

Scroll down and tap on “Phone.”

Tap on “Blocked Contacts.”

Here, you will see a list of all the phone numbers and contacts that you have blocked on your iPhone.

If you want to unblock a number, simply swipe left on the number and tap “Unblock.”

It’s important to note that when you block a number on your iPhone, calls and messages from that number will not be received. The blocked contact will not be notified that they have been blocked, and they will not be able to leave a voicemail.

If you want to block

A new number on your iPhone, you can do so from the Phone app or from the Messages app. Here’s how:

From the Phone app:

Open the “Phone” app on your iPhone.

Find the phone Australia Mobile Number List number you want to block in your recent calls or contacts list.

Tap the “i” icon next to the number.

Scroll down and tap “Block this Caller.”

Confirm that you want to block the number.

Australia Mobile Number List

From the Messages app

Open the “Messages” app on your iPhone.

Find the conversation with the contact you want to block.

Tap on the contact’s name or phone number at the top of the screen.

Scroll down and tap “Block this Caller.”

Confirm that you want to DT Leads block the number.

In summary, if you want to see a list of blocked numbers on your iPhone, you can do so by following the steps outlined above. Blocking numbers can be a useful tool for managing unwanted calls and messages, but it’s important to remember that blocking a number will also prevent you from receiving legitimate calls or messages from that number.

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