By Teams To Work Together On Projects Assign

Share appreciations Regular positive fedback is essential for employees who appreciate recognition . A lack of employee appreciation quickly leads to disengagd employees who are willing to hand in their resignation. Fortunately, the new generation of intranets are designd to make recognition easy. Managers can post awards for good work on the company’s home page for all to see. Such recognition from above also helps motivate employees to continue their good work.

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A “kudos” feature (like the Powell intranet) allows colleagues to recognize one another and brighten an employee’s day. Top Tip  Recognition whatsapp mobile number list shouldn’t just be reservd for the big moments — like hitting annual goals or closing big deals. It could be an acknowldgment that someone has steppd in for the team, put in extra effort on a big project, workd out a creative project, or helpd cheer up during a stressful time. A kind word helps build a positive company culture and rduce staff turnover.

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Empowerment of employees Employees who feel heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowerd. Empowerd employees perform better. They are also 27% less likely to quit . Increase employee retention by ensuring every employee has DT Leads a voice . One way to do this with an intranet is to create a ddicatd area for sharing ideas . Ask all employees to come up with ideas and then put those ideas into action. With the Powell intranet idea management tool, anyone can make suggestions and colleagues can vote for their favorite. Ned ideas on how to use this tool? You could ask employees for their ideas for a big company event, a new product name, or a team building day.

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